Fun Theory - Fun outdoor activities changing behavior for the better!

Before this semester I had never heard of The Fun Theory. The first time it was shown to me was in my creative advertising class and then again the same day in one of my business management classes. I really liked the concept because its entire mission and initiative is to change human behavior for the better. I also really like the idea that it speaks to certain human truths and plays on actions and behaviors that humans to everyday but dont really think about. I also like that most of The Fun Theories demonstrations take place outdoors! and most of the behaviors that The Fun Theory is trying to change are behaviors that deal with being out of home!

The Fun Theory, ,  was launched by the advertising agency DDB Stockholm for VW.  Obviously it was very successful in its measurement of viral videos. The Fun Theory also encourages user generated content. The Fun Theories site says that it "is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better."

With this concept The Fun Theory asks certain questions such as "Can we get people to obey the speed limit by making it fun to do?" "Can we get more people to throw away trash by making it fun to do?" and "Can we get more people to take the stairs by making it fun to do?" Pretty much The Fun Theory is trying to change peoples behavior for the better by making it fun to do! We all view certain behaviors in a negative light such as throwing away trash or even taking the stairs, when really they could be viewed as fun and positive.

I really like The Fun Theory and its message but really what does this have to do with selling cars? I mean the Fun Theory is a VW campaign. It does give me a positive image about VW now that I associate it with The Fun Theory but it doesn't necessarily make me want to go out and by a VW bug. I guess you cant really measure this campaign in terms of sales. Its not really about that. Its more about branding the VW brand in a positive light that wants to change the world for the better. This type of reputation and positive attitude towards the brand is irreplaceable

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