Outdoor ads in general

There are so many types of outdoor or out-of-home ads. Probably well over a 100 types, and according to wikipedia totaling $6.99 billion in yearly revenues in 2008 in America. Of course outdoor ads focuses on people on the go so we tend to see more fast food outdoor advertisements and instant relief products. Outdoor ads are in public spaces, bus stations or other transit areas and where people tend to wait. Most billboards I see are for food, stores, or missing persons.

Outdoor advertising can be grouped into 4 major categories, Billboards, Street furniture, transit and alternative(for everything else). I would say a lot of gorilla advertising and pr moves could be considered and fall under the category of out door ads.

Billboards are the most traditional forms of outdoor ads. These days a lot of poster and signs are starting to pop up instead of billboards. I prefer posters and signs to billboards. I also like the billboard trucks. I think they get more attention and get more looks.

Digital Out of home or DOOH (like Homer Simpson)  is starting to pop up. DOOH's include kiosks, jumbotrons, digital screens, and any other interactive media found out of home. Growth in the digital out of home industry is growing and I even see DOOH point of purchase displays these days in places like Walmart and the mall. Advertisers are continuing to go digital just like the rest of the world. LED signs and billboards are making the signs even more brighter and noticable these days. Just the other day I was driving down the street with my mom and she pointed out a digital billboard and said " wow look how bright and clear that is!" I doubt she remembered what the ad was for tho. Of course New York Times Square is no stranger to the LED billboards and signs. I mean that place is riddled with ads. If you can get your sign or poster brighter I guess is a way to break through the clutter.

Non Digital Out Of Home ads include
Bus Advertising
Commuter Rail display
Lamppost banner ads
Mobile billboards
Premier square
Street ads
Taxi ads
and many many many more!

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